SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (2024)

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SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (1)

SNHU 107

Module Seven - Discussion

Southern New Hampshire University

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (2)

Use this template to address the steps in your Project Guidelines and Rubric. Complete all parts of this

template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Be sure to proofread the entire document

before submitting.

1. Identify a problem-solving technique or method you have used in a previous situation and

explain how it helped you. How might problem-solving methods be different in diverse cultures

or fields of work? How can effective problem-solving help you in your academic journey?

In a previous situation, I encountered a group project where team members had

conflicting ideas. To address this, I employed a collaborative problem-solving technique.

I facilitated open communication, encouraged each member to share their perspective,

and then facilitated a compromise that incorporated the strengths of each idea. This

method helped resolve conflicts, fostered teamwork, and resulted in a successful project.

Cultural Variations

In diverse cultures, problem-solving methods can differ due to varying communication

styles, decision-making approaches, and perceptions of hierarchy. For example, some

cultures may prioritize group consensus, while others may lean towards hierarchical

decision-making. Understanding these differences is crucial to navigate diverse

collaborative environments effectively. In fields of work, problem-solving approaches are

shaped by industry norms. Scientific fields may utilize systematic experimentation, while

creative fields may rely on innovative ideation. Adapting problem-solving to these

distinct contexts ensures effectiveness in diverse professional settings.

Academic Benefits

Effective problem-solving in academia involves critical thinking, analysis, and creativity.

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (3)

It helps in tackling complex assignments, understanding intricate concepts, and

approaching coursework with a strategic mindset. In research projects, problem-solving

aids in formulating research questions, designing experiments, and interpreting results. It

ensures a comprehensive understanding of academic content and promotes a proactive

approach to learning. Furthermore, effective problem-solving cultivates resilience,

allowing for adaptability when faced with academic challenges. It contributes to a growth

mindset, fostering continuous improvement throughout the academic journey.

2. Identify your learning style and explain how knowing/learning about your learning style helped

support your success throughout this course.

My preferred learning style is visual and reading, coupled with hands-on practice and

group studies. This means I comprehend information better when presented visually,

supplemented by reading materials. Group studies and practical application enhance my

understanding through collaboration and real-world application.

In this course, my learning style significantly contributed to success. During discussions,

I excelled in understanding and articulating concepts when presented visually. For

instance, when visual aids, diagrams, or charts were used in class materials, it facilitated a

deeper understanding. Group studies played a pivotal role in reinforcing my knowledge.

Collaborating with peers allowed me to discuss complex topics, share perspectives, and

gain insights that I might not have grasped individually. This collaborative approach

enhanced my comprehension and retention of course material. Additionally, my habit of

revising through repeated readings complemented the reading-intensive nature of the

course. This method allowed me to absorb information thoroughly, aiding in retaining

key concepts for assessments and discussions.

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (4)

3. Identify which of the five successful habits of an SNHU student have been most helpful for you

throughout this course. Explain how those habits have helped you.

The habit of regularly reviewing course materials has been immensely helpful for me

throughout this course. It helped me with my studies and get out of it successfully

without any problems. It was really new experience for me to regularly review course

materials. Otherwise I always used to study on exam nights and so on. Regularly

revisiting course materials ensures that I maintain a continuous and updated

understanding of the topics covered. This habit prevents information from becoming

overwhelming and helps me stay on top of the course content. Through regular review, I

reinforce key concepts and connections between different topics. This aids in better

comprehension and retention, especially for complex subjects discussed in the course.

When assessments approach, this habit becomes a proactive study strategy. Instead of

cramming before exams, consistent reviews allow for a more strategic and less stressful

approach to preparing for assessments. Regular review supports active participation in

class discussions. Having a thorough understanding of the materials enables me to

contribute meaningfully to discussions, share insights, and learn from the perspectives of

fellow students. This habit has played a pivotal role in my academic success by creating a

solid foundation of knowledge. It promotes a proactive and organized approach to

learning, aligning with the requirements and expectations of the course.

4. Explain how you will stay on track in your courses and overcome interruptions that may impact

your schedule.

Now if we consider getting an A as being on track then according to that I have some things in

mind that I can share here. It will include some of the following as:

Utilizing a Digital Calendar and Task Management System

I will maintain a digital calendar to organize and track all course-related deadlines,

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (5)

assignments, and schedules activities. This allows for a visual representation of my

commitments, helping me allocate time effectively.

Setting Realistic Goals and Milestones

Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable goals and milestones ensures a

realistic and achievable schedule. This approach prevents procrastination and provides a

sense of accomplishment as I progress through the course.

Prioritizing High-Impact Tasks

Identifying high-priority tasks and focusing on them first allows me to tackle the most

critical aspects of my coursework efficiently. This strategy ensures that essential

assignments and study sessions are completed, even in the face of interruptions.

Establishing a Consistent Study Environment

Creating a dedicated and distraction-free study environment is crucial for concentration

and productivity. This choice minimizes interruptions and enhances focus during study


Implementing Time Blocking Techniques

Time blocking involves allocating specific time slots for different tasks. This technique

helps me compartmentalize my schedule, making it easier to navigate interruptions by

resuming tasks at predefined intervals.

5. Choose two SNHU resources (departments and resources that are part of SNHU) and two social

supports (people, places, and things outside of SNHU) that will help the most with achieving

your mission and goals, and that will help you prioritize your time. Also indicate why these

resources and social supports are key for your success.

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (6)

SNHU Career Brightspace Module

This resource is vital for my long-term mission of establishing a successful career in

environmental science. It provides valuable insights into career pathways, internship

opportunities, and industry trends. Utilizing this resource aligns with my short-term goal

of proactively planning and preparing for a fulfilling career. The SNHU Career module

helps me allocate time effectively by offering a centralized platform for career-related

information. Regularly accessing this resource allows me to stay informed about potential

career opportunities, guiding me in prioritizing activities that contribute to my

professional development.

Academic Support Brightspace Module > Shapiro Library

The Shapiro Library is instrumental in achieving my academic goals. It offers a wealth of

research materials, scholarly articles, and databases essential for environmental science

studies. Leveraging this resource enhances the quality of my research and aligns with my

short-term goal of excelling academically. By integrating the Shapiro Library into my

routine, I can streamline the research process and allocate time efficiently. Access to a

comprehensive database reduces the time spent searching for credible sources, allowing

me to focus on synthesizing information and prioritizing tasks in line with my academic


Study Group with Classmates

Collaborating with classmates in a study group is crucial for achieving my academic

goals. It provides a supportive community for knowledge exchange, clarifying doubts,

and gaining diverse perspectives on course materials. This aligns with my long-term

mission of building a strong academic foundation.

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (7)

Family Support for Work-Life Balance

Family support is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, a critical factor in

achieving both academic and personal goals. Having a support system at home ensures

emotional well-being, providing the stability needed to focus on coursework and long-

term aspirations.

6. List your personal academic mission statement.

My academic personal mission is to cultivate a profound understanding of Management

Sciences and Social Sciences, integrating theoretical knowledge with hands-on

experiences. With an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, I aim to graduate

from SNHU equipped with the skills to address challenges critically. Propelled by a

passion for sustainability, through continuous learning, collaborative endeavors, and

ethical leadership, I aspire to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and

practical solutions, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humanity and the


7. List your THREE short-term academic goals.

I aim to Achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher by the end of the current academic term

Participate actively in at least two extracurricular academic activities or events per


Enhance time management skills by creating and following a weekly study schedule

8. Describe the importance of setting goals on your academic journey.

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (8)

Goals provide a clear direction and purpose. They serve as a roadmap, guiding academic

efforts toward specific achievements. Goals act as powerful motivators. They give a

sense of purpose and achievement, fueling the drive to overcome challenges. Goals

enable the measurement of progress. By breaking down larger objectives into smaller,

manageable tasks, it becomes easier to track accomplishments. Setting goals facilitates

effective time management. It helps prioritize tasks, allocate resources efficiently, and

avoid procrastination. Goals foster adaptability and resilience. As academic journeys

inevitably encounter obstacles, having defined goals allows for adjustments while

maintaining the overarching vision.

These goals setting would assist me in future as well because setting academic goals

helps in selecting courses aligned with long-term aspirations. It ensures that each class

contributes meaningfully to the overall mission, allowing for a well-rounded and

purposeful educational experience. Also, goals assist in optimizing the study approach.

By setting specific objectives for each course, I can tailor study methods to align with

those goals.

9. Explain how you are going to stay motivated to achieve your goals and mission statement, based

on what you have learned in SNHU 107.

The emphasis on community and collaboration in SNHU 107 has highlighted the

collective impact of shared knowledge and efforts. This motivates me to actively engage

with peers, tap into diverse perspectives, and collaborate on initiatives that align with my

mission statement. SNHU 107 has underscored the real-world application of academic

knowledge. This awareness inspires me to view each class not just as an academic

requirement but as a practical step toward addressing environmental challenges in the real

world. The goal-setting techniques introduced in SNHU 107 have equipped me with

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (9)

effective strategies to outline, track, and achieve objectives. SNHU 107 has emphasized

the importance of time management in academic success. The acquired skills in

prioritizing tasks, creating schedules, and optimizing study sessions are valuable tools

that contribute to my motivation by ensuring efficiency and balance.

10. Explain why an awareness of diversity is beneficial to giving and receiving feedback when

collaborating with others.

Diversity brings varied perspectives and approaches. When giving feedback, an

awareness of diversity ensures that comments consider different cultural backgrounds,

experiences, and viewpoints. This inclusivity enriches the feedback process by

incorporating a broader range of insights. Diversity awareness promotes cultural

sensitivity in communication. Understanding cultural nuances helps in framing feedback

in a way that respects diverse values and avoids unintentional misunderstandings.

In my experiences collaborating with diverse teams, I've encountered situations where

cultural differences influenced communication styles and feedback preferences. Being

aware of these differences proved crucial in ensuring effective collaboration. For

instance, in a group project, a team member from a culture that values indirect

communication initially seemed reserved during feedback sessions. Recognizing this

cultural trait, we adjusted our approach, providing opportunities for written feedback and

individual discussions, which made the team member more comfortable sharing thoughts.

11. Explain why it is important to take ownership, be vulnerable, ask for help, and have an open

mind to achieve your goals.

In a collaborative project, taking ownership of my role allowed me to set clear objectives,

deadlines, and milestones. This ownership mindset ensured that I actively contributed to

the project's success, taking initiative even in challenging situations. Embracing

vulnerability became evident when I faced a learning curve in a complex subject. Instead

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (10)

of hiding my struggles, I openly communicated with peers and sought clarification from

the instructor. This vulnerability led to a supportive learning environment, and my

understanding of the subject improved. Asking for help played a pivotal role during a

time-intensive assignment. Recognizing the need for efficient time management, I sought

guidance from classmates who excelled in organization. Their insights not only improved

my time management skills but also enhanced the overall quality of my work. Having an

open mind was crucial in adapting to unexpected changes in a group dynamic. When a

project took an unforeseen turn, being open to alternative strategies and perspectives

allowed the team to pivot effectively, resulting in a successful outcome despite initial


12. Explain what your biggest takeaway was from this course.

The resources explored in this course, such as the SNHU library, academic support

modules, and career services, will serve as integral tools for my future success. The

SNHU library database, with its vast array of academic sources, will be a valuable asset

for in-depth research, enabling me to delve into topics relevant to my field of study.

Academic support modules, especially those focusing on time management and study

skills, will be essential for maintaining efficiency in future classes. These resources offer

practical insights into optimizing study sessions, managing time effectively, and

enhancing overall academic performance.

Utilizing the SNHU library database will be a consistent practice in future classes.

Accessing scholarly articles, relevant publications, and academic journals will enhance

the depth and quality of my research, contributing to well-informed assignments and

projects. The academic support modules will be employed as ongoing tools for refining

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (11)

study techniques and time management skills. Adhering to the principles learned in these

modules will ensure a structured and effective approach to coursework, promoting

sustained academic success.

SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (12)


8 effective strategies for academic success. 8 effective strategies for academic success |

Penn LPS Online. (2022, January 19).


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SNHU 107 Module seven Assignment | SNHU 107 (2024)


What is the minimum grade to pass SNHU? ›

Pass "P" and Satisfactory "S" Grades: Pass "P" and Satisfactory "S" grades are defined as a "C" or better at the undergraduate level and a "B" or better at the graduate level.

What is SNHU 107? ›

Undergraduate Course Syllabus

SNHU 107: Success Strategies for Online Learning Center: Online. Course Prerequisites None. Course Description This course focuses on student success strategies for students who are new to higher education or online learning.

Can I retake a failed class at SNHU? ›

For repeat coursework, students may retake coursework until a grade above an F is received. If a student passes a course but would like to receive a higher grade or it is required by their program, the student may retake the course one time while receiving financial aid.

Should 60% be a passing grade? ›

C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.

Why am I taking 107 student success SNHU? ›

SNHU-107 Required Course SNHU 107, Online Success Strategies, is a 3 credit hour course designed to help students be successful in SNHU's online environment. It is a required course for online students who enroll with fewer than 12 transfer credit hours.

What is the average GPA at SNHU? ›

The average GPA at Southern New Hampshire University is 3.18. This makes Southern New Hampshire University Moderately Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 3.18, Southern New Hampshire University accepts below-average students.

Are SNHU degrees accepted? ›

As an accredited institution, SNHU's credits are generally accepted by other colleges and universities. Students who wish to transfer their credit elsewhere are responsible for verifying the transferability of credit prior to enrollment.

What's the lowest grade you can pass with? ›

At most schools, a D is the lowest passing grade. That means students who earn a D or higher receive credit for the course. However, some schools set special policies around D grades. For example, at Lehigh, a D counts as a passing grade but does not meet prerequisite requirements.

Is a 61 passing in college? ›

Many college grading systems consider a D, or 65 percent, to be the lowest passing grade. Note that different schools, programs, or classes may have different cutoff points for what they consider a passing grade.

What is the lowest pass grade for a degree? ›

A 3rd = D (45%-50%) A Pass = E (40%-45%) A Fail = below 40%

What is the minimum GPA to pass a grade? ›

The minimum level for passing a course would be a D grade (1.0 on the GPA scale). Some colleges allow no more than one D in your major, so if you have one D already, then the minimum level for any other course in your major would be a C grade.


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