9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (2024)

Even monkeys don’t make a good pet, people keep them in captivity or in their house. Yes, there are some cutest monkey breeds that can make a good pet and can spend their life without causing any harm to humans.

But if you are really considering to keep a monkey you need to remember that they can be very expensive, dangerous, and need extra attention and care. If you are ok with that then you may want to keep a cute monkey in your home rather than ab ape.

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9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (1)

I am going to give you some space of information about 9 cutest monkey breeds that you can have and keep then as pets. Some of them can make excellent pets, but some of them may need some extra care to make them harmless.

So, without wasting time, let’s begin with the cutest monkey breed list. Here I am going to give you 9 cutes monkey breeds that you can keep a pet.

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds

  • Roosmalens’ dwarf marmoset
  • Squirrel monkey
  • Pygmy marmoset
  • Macaque
  • Rondon’s marmoset
  • Tamarin
  • Guenon
  • White marmoset
  • Capuchin

Roosmalens’ dwarf marmoset – ( Cutest Monkey #1 )

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (2)

This one comes in the first position of our cutest monkeys breed list, I hope you are familiar with the marmoset species. If you are familiar with the marmoset species that you may need a roosmalens’ dwarf marmoset is.

They are a miniature monkey that looks very cute. They are a very tiny little monkey and they are also known as pocket monkeys. They are native to the Amazon rainforest and mainly found on the east bank of the Arowana river.

They are also found in the west bank of the Arowana river in Brazil. They are not fully distributed in Amazon. This cute little roosmalens’ dwarf marmoset comes with some unique behavioral and physical traits.

They look very amazing and cute by the size but are very fast and naughty by nature. They are very territorial by nature and they can fight with each other for extra space.

They are also known as a dwarf marmoset. They love to feed on trees’ gum. They can also feed on fruits, seeds, vegetables, and leaves. But as they are tree sap lovers, the tree SAP is a primary diet.

If you want to keep them as a pair then it can be very expensive to own one. The average cost of roosmalens’ dwarf marmoset is around $2500 to $6,000. Apart from that, their caring, and maintenance are also very expensive. If you could handle the expense then you can keep them as a pet.

Squirrel monkey – ( Cutest Monkey #2 )

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (3)

Squirrel monkeys is the new World monkeys and no doubt that they are very popular among researchers and monkey traders. They look very beautiful and cute by appearance and that is why we have visited them in our cutest monkey breed list. They are mostly in the tropical forest of South America and Central America in the canopy.

Its ranges include Costa Rica, Panama, and Amazon. Most of the time, it is seen that this cute squirrel monkey is captured for the pet trade and for Medical Research.

There are many species of squirrel monkey that are not available as a pet and unfortunately, the species of squirrel monkey are vulnerable and has been listed as one vulnerable species by the IUCN.

Squirrel monkey species have various species as one variables are black squirrel monkey and Central American squirrel monkey.

Apart from that, it can also be illegal to own a squirrel monkey in some States. If you live in the United States then make sure that you check if it’s legal to own or to pet a squirrel monkey or not. Even you get the license it can also be very expensive to maintain squirrel monkey.

They don’t use their tail to climb in trees but their tail acts as a balancing pole for them. They are very Rapid creature and their movement can be very Rapid in the branches.

Apart from that, there are very cheeky monkeys and smart enough to escape, so that is why it is necessary that you keep them in secured captivity by which we mean escape-proof captivity.

Pygmy marmoset – ( Cutest Monkey #3 )

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (4)

This one is my favorite because they’re very cute monkeys and I have only listed them in the cutest monkey breed list because I wanted to pet one but it’s not legal to pet a Pygmy marmoset in my state.

However, I am trying my best to get the license of breeding a Pygmy marmoset. They are very small species of modern/New World monkeys that are native to the rainforest of the Western Amazon basin in South America.

These cute little species look very appealing and notable creatures, the smallest monkey that you can find in the present world. In one word, they are one of the smallest primates they only weigh about 100 grams. They prefer to eat mostly on tree saps and gums.

They are one of the most popular exotic creatures. If you want then you can also check our post on Pygmy marmoset/finger monkey. Yeah, they are also known as a pocket monkey or finger monkey because they are very tiny in size then they can easily get fit in your pockets. They are the gum feeding specialist.

If you want to keep them as a pet then make sure that you have enough money because they are very expensive to own and it can also be very expensive to keep and maintain one. They need a specialized diet that mainly consists of tree saps and gums.

Also, eat insects like butterflies but mostly they are attracted to the sap holes. They are very naughty and cheeky by nature and are very alert. This cute little Pygmy marmoset uses special types of Communications to give warnings and alerts to its family members. It’s a mix of a chemical vocal and visual type of communication.

Apart from that, it is always recommended to check if it’s legal to own a Pygmy marmoset in your state or not. In order to get a pet Pygmy marmoset, you need to check your local shop first and if you can’t find one then you can also check online. In my state, there is no breeder who breeds Pygmy marmoset and I have to import one from another country.

Macaque – ( Cutest Monkey #4 )

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (5)

They are the species of old world monkeys. Macaque is also Known as Asian monkeys. They are very popular among Indians and Asians. Their diet consists of both meats and fruits, in one word they’re omnivorous.

They live in a group and loves to jump from tree to another. The average lifespan of these monkeys is four years. You can find their range in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Southeast Asia, and Afghanistan.

They are also distributed in areas of Florida. They are very intelligent animals and can easily get adapted to many habitats. We have listed them in our cutest monkey breed list because of their Intelligence and ability to adapt to humans.

They can easily get along with humans but it is always recommended to keep a distance from them. It can also be very expensive to have a macaque in your home because you may have to import one from Asia.

You can also check your nearby state if they are available or not or you can also visit Florida to get one. In Florida, a few troops of them has been introduced.

You can feed them fruits like banana, apple, and many others, vegetables like spinach, cucumber, and many others, and they can also eat bread as well as other foods. When I visited India,

I have seen that they can easily get along with human communities because when I visited one of its state Varanasi, and I have seen many of them getting interacted with humans for food and they don’t it attacked them.

It’s strange but then a good companionship and doesn’t seem to harm anyone around them.

Rondon’s marmoset – ( Cutest Monkey #5 )

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (6)

I hope that you are not getting exhausted by hearing the marmoset name again and again and again. Rondon’smarmoset is the crew member of the Silver marmoset group.

They come in silver grey color and that is why we have also listed them in our cutest monkey breed list. They come with a special appearance and cute little size, they can make good pets and showcase animals. Apart from that, one of the most popular exotic animals in the world.

They also love to feed on tree gu.s and their saps. Just like other marmosets, it can be very expensive and the cost would be between $6,000 to $12,000 for a pair of Rondon’smarks.

Apart from that, they also need to be a specialized diet that mainly contains tree gum in it. They can also eat some fruits but their digestive system doesn’t allow too many fruits.

They have the ability to tolerate Habitat change and climatic change. In all marmoset species, Rondon’sMico is the rarest one. I don’t think that you can get a license to breed a Rondon’smarmoset however if you get a license then make sure that you keep them safe because they are very rare species.

If you would be lucky then you can make thousands of dollars by breeding them too. They are very tiny in size and it is not recommended to handle them too much because they have very fragile bones.


They are also very active and cheeky animals and can also bite humans even they are small, they can scratch you. Check out the video that I have shown here to see how cute they look. No doubt, marmoset is one of the cutest monkey breeds/species that you can find in the present world.

Tamarin – ( Cutest Monkey #6 )

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The tamarin monkeys are squirrel-sized monkeys and are one of the most popular New World monkeys that you can find nowadays. They look amazingly Beautiful by the appearance and can easily attract anyone by their cute look.

No doubts, why we have listed them in our cutest monkey list but humans also wonder how they got its special appearance. Actually, their facial hairs are inherited from its many other species.

They can come in different colors but all the colors will have some black in it. Black color will be mixed with brown, white, and others. The Tamarin comes in a mixture of black brown and white color.

They come in the size of 5. 1 inch to 11.1 inches. They can weigh around 220 grams to 900 grams. They are smaller monkey species that you can find. They can easily live up to 18 years if they are kept in captivity.

They can be found throughout Southern Central America to Central South America. Only found in the Amazon basin, northwestern Columbia, and the governess. They love to live in open forest areas and Tropical rainforest.

They can easily run, and jump quickly through the trees and can amaze by the activities. They tend to live in groups and each group can have up to 40 members.

They look like one or more families. Tamarin is omnivorous creatures that eat fruits and other plants as well as insects, bird eggs, vertebrates by which mean small vertebrates.

They normally give birth to twins. If you want to keep them as a pet then it can very expensive to have one but it can also be very fun to be around at Tamarin. They look very appealing from there appearance.

If you have a tight budget then you may want to avoid this one but if you can handle the expenses, you can consider adopting tamarin but before that, you need to make sure that it’s legal to own a tamarin monkey in your state.

Guenon – ( Cutest Monkey #7 )

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (8)

Guenon is the most vulnerable species of old world monkeys. Some of you may not find them very cute but believe me they look cute if they’re kept in captivity as a pet.

Check out the video to see how they gonna look in captivity. Apart from that, it can be very expensive to own a Guenon in your home. If you really want to pet Guenon in your home then you need to make sure that it’s legal to breed and keep a Guenon as a pet.

They are Omniverse creatures and can eat fruits, vegetables, leaves, tree gums, seeds, insects, small invertebrates, and many others.

They don’t make a great pet but still, we have listed them in our cutest monkey list as they look amazingly Beautiful by their appearance.

When I first saw them in captivity, I got attracted to it. Believe me, they look more attractive and appealing in captivity (Zoo) in real than in pictures.

They are very cheeky and active monkeys who can jump in seconds from one tree to another.

White marmoset – ( Cutest Monkey #8 )

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (9)

I am sorry that I a, again referring a marmoset in our list but I can’t do anything about it because White marmoset deserves to be mentioned in our cutest monkey breed list.

Among the marmoset species, the white marmoset is the most popular and demanding new world miniature monkey species. This white marmoset is also known as a Golden white beer marmoset.

There are mainly distributed in the areas of Brazil. Apart from that, their diet also consists of tree saps and gums. They can spend their whole life feeding on tree gums.

White marmoset is a highly active marmoset that tend to live in the upper canopy of forest trees. They can also feed on fruits, leaves, and insects.

Most of the time, it has been observed that they live in family groups that have 3 to 15 members at least. The favorite food of white marmoset is carbohydrate-rich tree saps.

With the help of their lower incisors, they can easily harvest the gums by chewing holes in tree branches and trunks. Some species of marmoset are specialized feeders on gums.

Just like other species of marmosets, a white marmoset is also the rarest kind and can also be very expensive to own one. According to the recent purchase, the cost of a white marmoset can be $2200 to $5800.

Their dietary needs are very different and they need specialized dietary routine. You will have to be ready to spend more than $25 per day to feed them properly.

Capuchin – ( Cutest Monkey #9 )

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The capuchin monkeys are also known as wild Caribbean monkeys. They are a member of the new World monkeys. The range of the capuchin monkeys includes South America coma North Argentina, and Central America.

They prefer living in the deciduous dry forest of Panama and the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. They can come in different colors like a buff or white Aish, brown, black, but their exact color and pattern will totally depend on the species involved.

Most of the time, it has been seen that the capuchin monkeys usually come in dark brown color which has some cream off white coloring around their neck. The height of 12 inches to 22 inches tall and the tail can also be as long as the body.

They can live up to 2 to 6 years in their Natural Habitat and if they are kept in captivity then no doubt that they can easily survive years. They are most active in the daytime and often sleep at night at the trees.

Capuchin is very demanding when it comes to their habitat but in captivity, they can feel sad. Their diet also consists of a vast range of food types.

They can easily consume fruits, flowers, Woody tissue, sugarcane, bulb, exudate, with, leaves, Wallace’s, arthropods, small vertebrates, and even primates. It has also been seen that they can also eat cashews and small nuts.

There are also good at catching small frogs. They mainly inhabit in a large range of Brazil and you may often find them in a group of 12 to 35 members in the forest.

They can easily get along with humans and can be easily adapt to places where humans are most active. They are very social creature however, they can be harmful and aggressive towards humans if they feel threatened or provoked by them.

Capuchin one of the most intelligent New World monkeys that you can find in today’s world, and they are mostly used as laboratory test monkeys. They can easily eat nuts. It can be very expensive to own a Capuchin and can be costly to pet one.

Apart from that, if you really want to get them as a pet then you need to make sure that it’s legal to breed a Capuchin in your state.

If you can’t handle the cost, you can put them but they don’t make a good pet. Apart from that, they are very intelligent, so it is always recommended not to adopt a monkey if you want to be on the safe side.

Final thoughts

Look, if you really want to adopt a monkey in your home then we would recommend you adopt a marmoset because they will be very small and you can keep them and handle them easily.

Apart from that if you really want to adopt a large species of Monkey then there are some problems that you may have to face because the truth and reality is they are capable of causing too much harm.

Adding to that, they also need extra care and attention to survive in a household of humans. Keeping a monkey in your home is like keeping a chimpanzee or gibbons.

If you are asking that if they can be dangerous than yes they can be very very very dangerous and would not recommend you to adopt a monkey if you have small children in your home.

However, if you want to adopt one then go for the marmosets because they will be very tiny and you can keep them in cages.

Even they will be costly, marmoset will be worth it then the other monkey breeds. Apart from that, we would recommend you to look for another exotic animal because I don’t think that a monkey could make a good companionship with humans.

Even some of them can leave their life without harming humans but their nature will always be the same. You can’t do much about it.

By just looking at some monkey pet of your neighbors, you shouldn’t get convinced that they can make great pets because some of them can adapt themselves with humans but most of them almost 90% of them don’t do well with humans.

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94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.

9 Cutest Monkey Breeds (With Pictures) (2024)


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